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PSA: don’t stand still in Black Ops 6’s Zombie mode

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 players are calling on Activision to suspend the over zealous AFK timer in its Zombie mode.

In a reddit thread that has garnered hundreds of replies and thousands of upvotes, DiegoMm shared their frustrations when, whilst trying to solve the Liberty Falls easter egg, they were unceremoniously kicked for inactivity.

And unlike similar threads making the same objections, this particular player was actively moving when they were booted from the game – you can check it out in the reddit embed below.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 live-action reveal trailer.Watch on YouTube

Unfortunately, the player couldn’t just jump back in and pick up where they left off, either.

Kicked for inactivity while literally moving around solving an easter egg step
byu/DiegoMm inCODZombies

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“Joining back in removed everything I had and just gave me my loadout weapon with green rarity, like 3000 points and no salvage,” they explained in the comments.

“It just gives you some base amount of stuff based on the round number, like after bleeding out.”

One less sanguine player in a separate thread also asking for the 15-minute timer to be scrapped said: “Remove the fu*king 15-minute timer. It’s insane. If I’m playing SOLO. I’m ALONE in the match. The game is 80€. If I want to pause the game for 10 hours straight, I should be able to do so,” (thanks, TheGamer).

“I do not care that I take up server resources. Either make the game playable offline or remove the greed timer.”

“I didn’t realise just how much I like to pause and chill for a minute until this pause timer kept closing my games lol,” said one respondent.

“Something fun found… patched in literal hours,” another player commented. “Something game-ruining… literally never patched and will be around for decades.

“It’s the CoD zombies experience, yay.”

If you’re looking to complete the puzzle without getting disconnected, check out our Liberty Falls easter egg guide.

In our Call of Duty Black Op 6’s campaign review, Chris T. said it was a “return to form for the series, mixing the usual, slightly unsavoury real-world set dressing with cracking action, horror twists and tongue-in-cheek charm”.

Earlier this week, Microsoft boss Satya Nadella called Black Ops 6 launch the “biggest Call of Duty release ever”, saying its arrival set a record for “Game Pass subscriber adds on launch day”.

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