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Yes, Assassin’s Creed really did make an appearance at the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony

For those watching the Olympics opening ceremony last night, no, that was not your imagination – a familiar hooded Assassin did indeed invade the rooftops of Paris last night.

Whilst it’s hard to find footage given a trigger-happy copyright gremlin is striking down videos all over the place, there are still a number of images and video of Assassin’s Creed Unity’s Arno carrying the Olympic torch for anyone who missed it:

Assassin’s Creed Arno holds the Olympic torch.Watch on YouTube

And no, it’s not a coincidence – that really is an Assassin’s Creed reference. Though it had been suggested that Ubisoft’s tentpole franchise may be making an appearance, last night the French company confirmed it:

Here’s some more of Arno’s infiltration:

Assassin’s Creed Unity – which will soon celebrate its tenth anniversary – was set in 18th-century Paris, which makes Arno’s return fitting, if a little surprising given he is perhaps not the most beloved Assassin, and Unity was not the best-performing game at launch.

It does, however, commemorate the hugely-successful series in a mainstream event seen by millions, and solidifies just how influential Ubisoft is to the people of Paris.

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