Pokémon Go‘s upcoming addition of Dynamax mechanics has been something of an open secret – and now we’re able to see how some elements will look in-game for the first time.
Fans of Pokémon Go have peered inside the popular mobile game’s files to find visual elements of the upcoming Dynamax system, which also offer clues as to how Dynamax Pokémon will be obtained.
For the first time since Pokémon Go’s launch all the way back in 2016, new locations look set to appear on the game’s overworld map – currently labelled as “stations”. These gym-like structures look like they’ll host raids for Dynamax Pokémon.
A list of Dynamax moves has also been discovered, set to be added to Dynamax Pokémon, such as “Max Flare”, “Max Knuckle”, and “Max Ooze”.
Last month, Pokémon Go developer Niantic signalled that it would add Gen 8’s game-changing Dynamax mechanic in the not-too-distant future.
This year’s anniversary artwork for the game, which frequently hints at upcoming (and sometimes far-off) features shows a Dynamaxed Wartortle alongside the eight generation’s trio of Starter Pokémon: Grooky, Scorbunny and Sobble.
Pokémon Go fans have been waiting patiently for the arrival of most Gen 8 Pokémon into the game, after the Sword and Shield generation was largely skipped over to focus on the timelier Gen 9.
“We’ve definitely been thinking a lot about Gen 8 for a while in Pokémon Go,” Pokémon Go director Michael Steranka told me last month. “Nothing to share right now in terms of the timing or launch strategy there, but something we’re always trying to do is play homage to the source material and do right by that source material.
“Know that as the team is thinking about Gen 8 Pokémon, they’re thinking about Galar, they’re thinking about what makes those Pokémon special, and when it’s time for them to make their debut in Pokémon Go, it will make sense.”