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Wholesome letter writing sequel Kind Words 2 will be delivered next month

Five years ago, a small team of three people released a really rather special game out into the world, all about anonymously writing and receiving letters, which had also been written by other real people, and offering some words of encouragement to those who need it. This was Kind Words, a fitting name for a game that did so much to lift spirits and create a safe space for anyone going through a hard time.

In the time since Kind Words released five years ago, developer Popcannibal has been working on a sequel. It is called Kind Words 2, and unlike the original game where you were confined to a bedroom, in the sequel, there’s a world outside to explore. Those wonderful letters still remain, though.

As for when you can explore that wholesome outside world for yourself? Well, there is not too much longer to wait. Kind Words 2 is coming to Steam next month, on 7th October. You can check out its release date trailer below.

Kind Words 2 (lofi city pop) – Release Date Trailer. Watch on YouTube

Writing on Steam, Popcannibal co-founder Ziba Scott said Kind Words has been “one of the biggest changes” in their lives over the past five years.

“It’s been an amazing trip for Luigi and I to learn how to care for this community we started. And what a joy it has been that the community has cared for us in return,” Ziba wrote in a post accompanying Kind Words 2’s release date announcement.

“I could go on all sentimental like for a while, but I’ve got to go fix bugs now to make everything ready for the launch day.”

For more on Kind Words, last year Bertie, Eurogamer alum Johnny Chiodini and I all sat down to talk about the video games that have helped us with our mental health. Kind Words was one of these games.

Stay safe out there all, I hope you are doing ok.

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