10 years after he was first attached to the project, It and The Flash director Andrés Muschietti says he still has plans for Sony’s Shadow of the Colossus film adaptation.
The Shadow of the Colossus film has been, it is fair to say, a long time coming. We first got wind of an adaptation all the way back in 2009, when it was suggested that creator Fumito Ueda would be involved in some capacity. Chronicle director Josh Trank then joined the project in 2012, but this still didn’t seem to kick the film into any sort of gear. The following year, Sony then hired Hanna writer Seth Lochhead to pen the script for the adaptation.
In 2014, it was then revealed Trank had left the project to head to a galaxy far, far away instead (nothing sinister, just Star Wars). At this time, Muschietti was announced to be taking over the reins from Trank
And yet there is still hope, despite a very long period of absolutely no news whatsoever. Muschietti has now said he still has plans for the adaptation, and there is a script. In a conversation with programme “La Baulera del Coso” on Radio TU, Muschietti assured listeners the film was not “an abandoned project by any means” (thanks, TheGamer).
“I’m not a big gamer, but Shadow of the Colossus seems to me a masterpiece and I played it several times,” Muschietti said. “The film has been in development for 10 years and now the possibility of making it is opening up.”
Muschietti stated he likes the project’s script “very much”, but admitted there were still a number of hurdles that needed to be sorted before the film could really get going. Namely, the financial side of things.
“Shadow of the Colossus is a cult game, but to make a good film, there is a studio that puts the numbers and says how much it is worth to give the director $200m, $150m, or $100m,” he said. “There are different versions of the film, and obviously, I want them to give me $200m, but this is another factor to take into account.”
So, I guess with this update, it is now a case of once again waiting to see if Muschietti gets the funds he hopes for, and then perhaps the Shadow of the Colossus adaptation will finally begin filming.
Shadow of the Colossus is not the only PlayStation IP currently slated for a film release. Just yesterday, the company announced adaptations of both Helldivers 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn. Meanwhile, its Until Dawn film is set to release this April, with a new cast of characters taking center stage in a brand new story.