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Epic Games Store’s latest weekly freebie is available now and I can barley contain myself

With another week of 2024 now crossed off the calendar, Epic has delved deep into its big bag of treats to reveal the Epic Games Store’s latest freebie – and this time it’s Farming Simulator 22.

This not-quite-latest instalment in developer Giants Software’s long-running agricultural sim (and I’m about to paraphrase the official blurb here seeing as I’m not much of an expert on this one) gives wannabe farmers the tools to establish their own vineyard or olive orchard in the south of France; to grow wheat, corn, potatoes, and cotton in the US Midwest, or even establish an animal farm in alpine climes. Presumably you can grow a potato in France too if you want to mix things up, but don’t hold me to that.

Farming Simulator 22 squeezes in 400 machines and tools from over 100 real agricultural brands, alongside a “multitude of new gameplay features” – including a new character creator, an expanded build mode, and new ground working options including mulching and stone picking. Best of all, Farming Simulator 22 features cross-platform multiplayer support so you can build your agricultural empire with friends.

Farming Simulator 22 cinematic trailer.Watch on YouTube

If, after all that, you’re ready to straddle a tractor and trundle off into the great unknown, Farming Simulator 22 can be permanently added to your Epic Games Store library right now – and the offers remains available until next Thursday, 30th May.

As for what comes after, that’s currently under wraps. Expect next week’s “mystery game” (as Epic is referring to it at present) to be revealed just as soon as Farming Simulator 22 steps aside.

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