Laurence Fishburne has joined the cast of The Witcher for the show’s fourth season. The actor, whose expansive career includes playing Morpheus in The Matrix...
Capcom has rolled back a recent update to 11-year-old game Resident Evil Revelations which added a DRM called Enigma Protector. The DRM was noticed after...
Another month means a fresh heap of additions to Sony’s PlayStation Plus Game Catalogue for subscribers of its PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium tiers, with...
Netflix has released a teaser trailer for the upcoming, highly-anticipated second season of Arcane – and it introduces an intriguing new character. Or is it...
Microsoft has confirmed reports it’s issuing bans to Baldur’s Gate 3 players on Xbox when their consoles have automatically uploaded video captures featuring in-game nudity,...
I’ve been working through all that comes with my 80-year-old mum being in palliative, end-of-life, care. It’s an emotionally unpredictable time, that much I expected....