Terminator: Survivors, the previously untitled open-world Terminator game announced by publisher Nacon back in July 2022, has resurfaced with a first trailer and an early...
Alan Wake developer Remedy Entertainment has announced it’s acquired the full rights to its Control series from publisher 505 Games for €17m. As detailed in...
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, the iOS and Android version of Activision Blizzard’s battle royale hit, is officially getting its worldwide launch on 21st March...
Paranormal Activity – the found-footage horror series that’s spawned seven movies since its debut instalment blew up the box office in 2009 – is being...
Skull and Bones, the oft-delayed pirate game from Ubisoft that finally arrived earlier this month following almost a decade of development, has released its first...
Deck Nine Games, the studio behind Life is Strange: True Colors and last year’s The Expanse: A Telltale Series, has announced it’s laying off approximately...
It’s been over seven years since Limbo and Inside developer Playdead first began teasing its mysterious third project, and now – nearly five years since...